Author: Allen Ray

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How to Optimize Your Website’s User Experience

Implementing great user experience (UX) is arguably the most important thing you can do to make a company website effective in generating sales leads or e-commerce revenue, as well as building the brand. If...


Web Development Security Threats You May Not Know About

Web development is nowadays more complicated than it used to be due to the fact that the practice automatically involves developing user friendly and highly secured applications. For some tasks, technology advancements automatically make...

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How do you Know Which Blog Host is Best for You?

Blogging is a modern art form and when it’s done properly, it can be a very effective way to boost your income. Whether you are starting a blog for personal reasons or business reasons,...


20 tall-tale signs of bad web designer

It’s normal that browsing offers of web designers, you’ll find ones that are simply bad. Industry newbies might not possess enough technical skills to hide their shortcomings in other areas like customer communication. Here’s...


10 Freebies To Make Your Sunday a Fun Day

Sundays would have been a lot better had it not been followed by Monday. Since we cannot do anything about how the days of the week are arranged, we can, however, make your Sunday...

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How Linux Hosting Works

You may be considering one of the free cheap web hosting services that you can find on the internet if you have a website that you want to get online but you don’t have...