Author: Allen Ray


8 basic types of Breadcrumb-based Layouts

Breadcrumbs are a navigation history system that allows users to know where they are in the site, and where they have been. The 8 basic types of breadcrumb-based layouts are: 1) Linear Breadcrumb System...

Improve Typography in Your Designs 0

How to Improve Typography in Your Designs

When people make brochures of events or parties, they pay attention to the design of the brochure. They make the typeface noticeable, the size of the font larger, and the colors bright. When it...

social media influence 0

Influence of Social Media on Marketing

Nothing has helped change and transform the world more than the current technology. It is now ubiquitous. We need it just like we need oxygen to breathe. The entire globe has felt the impact...


18 Tips, Tricks and Hacks for Every Student

Being a student isn’t easy. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of handy tips and tricks that you can start using right now to make your life a little more manageable.   Reward yourself...


Best Free SEO Tools [The Ultimate List]

If you are looking for a list of free awesome SEO tools that will help you boost the quality and productivity of your work, you are in the right place. Below I compiled favorite...



The book is the same product, as well as any other object. We look at its cover and appearance, and then we determine whether it will be interesting for us to read it, whether...


How Not to Design a Logo!

Most of the people take logo designing as a pretty easy task as the name suggests. They are of the view that simply draws any shape, write the name of the brand/company and you...